Certificate of Authenticity

Each of our luxury Chakapas carries with it a sacred story, a chronicle of its journey from inception to your hands. To commemorate this, with every luxury Chakapa you receive, we provide a certificate of authenticity. This certificate is not just a testament to your Chakapa's genuineness but also a window into its unique tale.

Your certificate details the Chakapa's exclusive serial number, like a birthmark, affirming its individuality in the sea of our creations. The crystals that have lent their energies to your Chakapa are also listed, weaving a narrative of the harmonious collaboration of elements that resulted in its creation.

Yet, the tale is not complete without the celestial. Each Chakapa is born under a specific cosmic ballet, the dance of planets and stars that shape the energies of our universe. The astrological alignments present during its creation are also captured in your certificate, serving as a celestial birth chart of your Chakapa.

This is our way of assuring you that what you hold in your hands is not just a product, but a genuine SpiritShift Chakapa, a labour of love, spirituality, and authenticity, crafted with the utmost respect for the cosmic and earthly elements that have birthed it.