Why the Copper Coil?

At Spirit Shift, we poured our heart and soul into creating our luxury Chakapas. Our journey began five years ago with a channelled vision that has been lovingly developed over time. Each Chakapa we craft incorporates an integral design element – a crystal paired with a copper coil.

The reasoning is profoundly spiritual and deeply connected to nature and the universe. The Spiral that our coil represents was once viewed by ancient communities as a symbol of the sun - the first healer.

In its ascension around the Chakapa, the Spiral emulates the Serpent Kundalini energy. This is the source of all life-force energy, an inexhaustible fountain of creativity, spiritual gifts, and the divine feminine energy that births all existence.

The Spiral also embodies the sacred geometry of the Fibonacci spiral. This enigmatic pattern threads its way through all of nature, from the tiniest particles to vast galaxies, reminding us of the interconnected oneness of everything.

In many ancient cultures, the Spiral was revered as the path leading the soul to evolve and reach enlightenment.

Our use of copper is not merely aesthetic. This metal is known to stimulate the flow of energy, as famously evidenced by Nikola Tesla's ground-breaking invention - the Tesla coil.

In our Chakapas, crystals, especially quartz, generate an electric current, while the copper serves to amplify the stone's properties. When a Chakapa is moved continuously during healing or sacred ceremonies, an energetic flow is stimulated. The movement and intention of the user, combined with the crystal's energy, the amplification from the copper coil, and the aura of the individual, all work together to create this energetic symphony.

The crystal then acts as both a reservoir for any energies extracted and a transmitter for loving, healing energy. Our Chakapas are all connected by a crystal grid that holds the frequency of unified love and light, touching every corner of the globe.

Infused with Usui Reiki energy, our Chakapas are akin to Shamanic lightsabres, their celestial design inspired from the stars. Guided by the Spirit Shift Soul Tribe, a collective of ancestors, angels, star souls, and spirit guides, we endeavour to bring these unique healing tools to life.

In extending our Soul Offering, we infuse every piece with Unconditional Mother Love. This is our contribution to supporting humanity's awakening in these transformative times. We believe that every Chakapa has a unique journey, and we are here to guide it from our hands to yours.