
At Spirit Shift, we are deeply committed to embracing the spiritual aspect of managing our sustainability as a company. We believe that Mother Earth has provided us with a plethora of gifts and tools that we can use to create a New Age - a time of harmony, balance, and connection with the natural world.

Our Chakapas are imbued with sacred energy and are created using leaves sourced from the UK. We feel passionately about using leaves from our birthland because the UK is home to Glastonbury, the Heart Chakra of the World.

We open sacred space and our chakapa’s are charged with unconditional love through special ceremonies where we sing icaros, channel light language and listen to sacred songs and mantras.

These sacred shamanic instruments help us connect with the spirits of our native land and channel the energies of the universe in a way that aligns with our urban way of life.

Here at Spirit Shift, we wholeheartedly embrace and respect the diverse lifestyles and choices of our wonderful community. We understand that many of you, our cherished customers, lead a vegan lifestyle, and we admire your commitment to our planet's cohabitants.

In light of this, we feel it's essential to share our ethos behind the use of Leather and Suede in our Chakapas. You see, our materials are lovingly repurposed from preloved items like old sofas that would otherwise be destined for the landfill. No animal has been harmed for the purpose of our Chakapas.

We believe that in reclaiming and repurposing these materials, we are honouring the spirit of the animal, giving new life to their sacrifice and turning it into a healing tool that radiates with the love and respect we hold for them. It's not about discarding, but rather, transforming and evolving - in line with the very essence of our spiritual journey.

However, we understand and deeply respect individual choices. We, therefore, offer a beautiful variety of vegan-friendly fabrics for our customers who prefer this option. We stand with you in your personal journeys, respecting and upholding your beliefs, all the while working together to create instruments of healing and love.

We take great care to use ethical, pre-loved, and repurposed materials in our Chakapas as much as possible, honouring the history, spirit and significance of each item and minimising our impact on the environment.

We have also made use off old scarfs, clothing and other material which would otherwise be destined for landfill.

Our belief in the interconnectedness of all things inspires us to operate sustainably in every aspect of our life and business.

As we continue on our journey towards sustainability, we remain mindful of the importance of treading lightly on the earth and respecting the sacredness of all living beings. We strive to embody the principles of harmony, balance, and connection with nature in all that we do, and we hope to inspire others to join us in creating a more sustainable and spiritually fulfilling world.

We are always on the lookout for new materials. If you have anything you would like to donate please get in touch with us!