Making Your Chakapa

I'm going to walk you through an enchanting journey of self-discovery and creation. We're going to be crafting a tool of ancient wisdom, a Chakapa, with the loving guidance of Spirit Shift.

This guide is not just about crafting a Chakapa - it's about manifesting a deeply personal spiritual tool that resonates with your unique energy. Each step is an invitation to connect with your inner self and the universe, choosing elements that resonate with your soul's rhythm.

1. Choosing Your Chakapa: This is where our journey begins. Picture yourself in a serene forest, and you've stumbled upon four beautiful options:

Leaves Only Chakapa: Simple yet elegant, this option includes a customisable handle. Wrapped with tape or leather. A humble yet potent spiritual companion.

Chakapa: This option includes a customisable fabric and cord handle. You can add your own unique flair with various add ons available.

LUXURY Chakapa: This one comes with the iconic Spirit Shift design – a copper coil and crystal point. Truly enchanting. You can add your own unique flair with various add ons available.

DELUXE Chakapa: Gold Leaf, fully customisable with the Spirit Shift design and add ons. Like a whispering tree spirit, it promises a deeper, more luxurious experience.

2. Choose Your Style: Just like your unique essence, your chakapa must radiate your personality. You can choose from an array of add-ons such as Gold Leaf, Feathers, Fur, and Extra Crystals. Pick what resonates with your soul, even if that means picking them all!

3. Choose Your Crystal Point: Ah, crystals - nature's sparkling gems. Choose from our vast selection, remembering that each crystal holds a different energy. Meditate on which crystal calls to you. It could be soothing amethyst, empowering citrine, or something entirely different.

4. Choose Your Charm: Charms are like whispers from the universe, calling you toward a symbol that resonates with your spirit. It could be a mushroom, a serpent, a fairy, or another symbol that stirs your soul.

5. Choose Your Coil Wire Wrapping Colour: Copper, Silver, or Gold. Consider the energy each metal holds. Copper for healing, silver for intuition, or gold for power and success. Which resonates with you?

6. Choose Your Fabric Colour: We have an array of prints, colours, and materials. Just like choosing a favourite outfit, pick a fabric that makes your heart sing.

Here at Spirit Shift, we wholeheartedly embrace and respect the diverse lifestyles and choices of our wonderful community. We understand that many of you, our cherished customers, lead a vegan lifestyle, and we admire your commitment to our planet's cohabitants.

In light of this, we feel it's essential to share our ethos behind the use of Leather and Suede in our Chakapas. You see, our materials are lovingly repurposed from preloved items like old sofas and clothes that would otherwise be destined for the landfill. No animal has been harmed for the purpose of our Chakapas.

7. Personalisation: Finally, tell us about your intentions for your chakapa. We absolutely cherish getting to know you. We'll channel your unique energy as we craft your spiritual tool.

Remember, there's no wrong way to create your Chakapa. This is about connecting with your intuition, your higher self, and the universe. It's about manifesting a tool that will enhance your spiritual journey.

In crafting your Chakapas, sometimes we find that Spirit guides us in unexpected directions, leading us to deviate slightly from the initial design. We believe that this divine intervention is based on the unique energy we sense from you, an unseen hand nudging us towards what will serve you best on your spiritual path. However, if the resulting Chakapa does not resonate with you, please do let us know. We will try our best to resolve the issue. We are here to understand, adapt, and ensure you have a tool that genuinely aligns with your spirit.

In every step, every choice, every moment, we seek to serve you and enhance your spiritual journey. Your feedback and experiences guide us, inspire us, and fuel our passion. So thank you, from the bottom of our hearts, for being a part of our journey, and for allowing us to be a part of yours.